Raindrop Technique is a relaxing essential oil application to the feet and spine.  Oils are applied neat (without carrier oil) using vitaflex on reflex points.  

This women's Raindrop practice is for ladies who...
  • Need extra TLC for their back, neck, and shoulders.
  • Have an issue that needs significant support.
  • Are looking for a strong detox or to stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • Practice regular self-care.
  • Value preventative care.


What oils are used in a Raindrop?


Because Raindrop Technique uses so many oils neat, the only acceptable oils are Young Living brand for purity, safety, and effectiveness.

There are a set of 9 specific oils that are used in a Raindop.  Eight of them are used in every appointment, and they include Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Valor, and Peppermint.  Aroma Siez is used as needed.

Two massage oils are used as well.  Ortho Ease is used near the end of every Raindrop.  V-6 is a carrier oil and it is used upon request if you feel a hot or tingly sensation from the oils.

The oils in this collection were chosen carefully for their specific health properties.  These are powerful oils that give amazing results.

What are Raindrop appointments like?

Before and after each Raindrop, your height will be measured.  Many clients grow a little taller during a Raindrop as the spine becomes more aligned.

You'll begin the Raindrop lying on your back.
  • Valor on shoulders and feet for balancing (a few minutes)
  • Vitaflex with oils on the feet (15-20 minutes)
Then you'll turn over onto your stomach.
  • Vitaflex and oils along the sides of your spine (20-25 minutes)
  • Warm towel on your spine (5-8 minutes)
  • Many clients are so relaxed they fall asleep during this portion.  I tend to give ya a little more time if you're snoozing. :) 
The Raindrop itself takes about an hour, and your entire appointment from arrival to departure is 75 minutes.

Book an Appointment

Please note that this is a women's practice.  For any male client wanting an appointment, please contact me prior to your first appointment to discuss who will attend with you (if you are married, it must be your wife).  

Fill out the intake form here to receive the scheduling link, current coupon codes, and the informed consent to read prior to your first appointment.


Book an Appointment

Fill out this Raindrop Client Intake form below.

Immediately afterwards, you'll receive an email with a scheduling link, current coupon codes, and informed consent to read before your first appointment.
Have you had a Raindrop before?*

Steph Sweeney is a certified Raindrop Technique practitioner, certified aromatherapist, certified Aroma Freedom Technique practitioner and holistic homeschool mom of two.

Reach out here to request a Raindrop.  I look forward to working with you!